Inviting users to join Avorra

After setting up your organisation details, quickly invite users to join your Avorra platform. The users can be your employees or external users. Each user will have a separate Avorra account to use.  

To invite users to Avorra, follow these steps: 

Note: Only users with “Admin” or “Manager” role can invite other users.

Step 1 – Navigate to the Users tab

On the Avorra application, click mceclip1.



On the users page, click .

Step 3 – Provide user details

Enter the user details such as Role (Admin, Manager, User), EmailFirst and Last name.


Each user role has its own set of features.

  • Admin – TBD
  • Manager – TBD
  • User – TBD 

Step 4 – Send the invitation

Ensure that the details entered are correct and click .


An invite is sent to the user’s email address provided. The user is then asked to accept the invitation and set up the account details.