Setting up a number

After buying numbers on Avorra, you can set your preferences on how to use these numbers. If there are multiple numbers, each number can have their own set of preferences and configuration. 

Note: You will need Admin or Manager role rights to set up a number on Avorra. For more information on user roles, see Adding user roles

To set up a number, follow these steps:

Step 1 – Accessing the Numbers tab

After logging on to Avorra, the tab can be accessed using the option.


Step 2 – Selecting the number to set up

On the numbers page, click on theblobid122  option for the number you want to set up.

Step 3 – Set up the number

For each number, you can configure the following details:


Option Description
General configuration Set the display name to be used for the number. By default, the number is used as the display name.

Use the  blobid124option to enable/disable outgoing calls for this number.

Use the  blobid125option to use this number on display during call forwarding.

Use the mceclip2 option to enable/disable the call recording feature.

Use the mceclip3 option to setup the timezone for a number.

Business hours Set the business hours for receiving calls on Avorra.

Use the blobid126option to enable/disable weekend trading hours.

 You can further configure how the calls must be handled during and outside of business hours. For more details, see Configuring the call answering methods.

Ensure that the details configured are correct and click blobid127.